If You like airsoft

If you like airsoft read my posts

Saturday, July 23, 2011


I have to announce that it won't be as often I write bogs anymore thank you all, but don't be upset I'm not finished yet.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

One of my biggest wars ever.

This was my biggest and longest milsim game ever.
Day 1. It was 50 on 50. My loadout was my m-4, m-80,and 1911 pistol, back in my tent I also had a p-90,mp-5 and a shotgun. I was currently with a small group currently focused on gathering intel and fighting as little as possible. There were 7 of us. I had a walkie talkie. I heard something. It was them saying they were coming at our base with a group of 15. I radioed it in and then we moved to a new position to flank the small attack group. We were waiting in the bushes and then they came. I waited. Then we opened fire. We got about four of them and then we made our way back to camp with one guy who was hit in the arm. We took a little break. Then the six of us that were fine went to a clearing in the woods and decided to set up a sabotage base there. The oher man was at the "doctor". After getting the camp set up we all put our guns on our backs and assembled an rpg. With this rpg we could destroy an attack wall. The guy beside asked me to steady his rpg. He took his first shot and ripped a gigantic hole in their wall. that left their right flank exposed, but if we didn't clear the rest of them out they could rebuild the wall. No casualties. We once again headed back to camp. The seven of us decided we would go and pack up our camp and hang up our boots for tonight. We did and it all went well. so we came back with the other 43 people. We ate and went into our ten man tent. The seven of us stayed up by the light of our lantern and strategized. We woke early and decided to do some scouting. we found trees that could fit about four people. We had no specific objective today so we waited to ambush them from the trees we were sitting in along came all fifty of them, headed right for our camp. My entire company threw grenades. It must have scared them because they ran. except the hit ones. We returned to camp and sent a radio message to tell everyone to come back to camp. We readied ourselves for the assult at about four o clock 30 of them charged us. We picked off a few, and so did they. It was about 45 to 25. We finnally pushed them out of our camp after about an hour of firefighting. The same routine as last night. We woke up and prepared for wave 2 of the assult. Here they came 50 on 50. One of the guys on my squad mounteda GAU on a barricade near our tent. He manned it and opened up on them. It came to about 50 vs 45 after 30 mins. This battle could last all day since it was already eleven thirty. Then we heard a roar. Someone mounted two GAU's on a Rhino and drove straight through their line with two men on the back shooting at them. The enemies fell back and we chased them back to their camp. We didn't fight there because we didn't want to risk any casualties but alot of grenades were thrown into their camp be fore we left. When we got back three of our guys were missing. Then they came on the Rhino. The Rhino belonged to our company. When we got up the next morning. Our battalion Took the rhino and stormed their camp. We got a couple of them out with 2 casualties. We headed back to the camp. We found that a new sniper/countersniper gun was sent for me. It said "Matt this is yours to keep always, it is brand new and powerful, accurate, and sighted in. You deserve it and trsut me, You will need it." A new barret 50. cal. I put my other guns down and took it and my pistol. Three were on the rhino and me and one other guy with a sniper went head hunting. I spotted one and took him out with ease. Then. Ping! My partners gun was hit. he had to just use a pistol now. He looked at me. "Sir, I'm scared." He was new to the game. "No reason to be scared." We moved closer, slower this time. We saw the rhino. It was abandoned. We went to secure it and were jumped by two bad guys withs SAW's. My new guy actually shot both of them before they got us. He is a great soldier. We stayed with the rhino until our guys got back. It was dark and we headed back to camp. That night I got the funny idea to go and scout the enemies camp. After getting inside I noticed Three Rhinos! They weren't there earlier. But I knew what would happen. Theses rhino's had 5 GAU's each. I went up to them, I disabled all the GAU's by taking the batterie's out and stashing them in my pack. Then all of a sudden a light came on I darted back to my camp and showed my guys the "gold". The next morning we sent an unarmed messenger to tell the enemie's that we had their batteries and the only way they would get them back is by giving us this. 15 grenades, 5 pistols, 3 m-4s, 2 ak's, and three riot shields. They agreed. But the messenger took the things and ran without givivng them the batterie's. We obviously had an advantage. My battalion was set to guard the fort today. No action at all. That night I took my squad and we sabotaged their rhino's Mounts. The next morning Their entire army came to the fort. Completley unarmed. They offered a surrender. We declined and said we don't take prisoners. We fired, all 50 of us. We got em' all. We won. AGAIN.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Airsoft positions

Assult: Many consider you to be the backbone of your team. You should be able to tackle large groups of enemies alone or with a team. You should also know tactics well. As assult you should aslo be able to perform raids and take hostages.

Support: You also play an important role in your team. One of your main roles is to lay down suppressing fire in cover situations, raids, and retreats. You need to be very strong for this role because you will need a heavy electric gun.

Sniper: Your job is to be able to take out targets at a long range. You should be accompanied by a spotter and sometimes a low ranking soldier with an automatic weapon. You need to stay concealed at most times. You need to be able to take out enemies at a long range, and perform counter hostage ops. You will also need a powerful, accurate, long range rifle.

CQC speacialist:  You need to be able to fight at close range. You also need to be able to infiltrate a room or an entire house and clear any hostiles. You should have a generally small weapon for you will be in tight spaces at certain times. You may also need good aim for some hostage situations.

Medic: Your job is simple. Accompany groups of troops and provide medical attention to the injured ones. You don't need a specific weapon for this job but a small smg is prefered. You should always stay with a group of troops or you can' t do your job effectively by yourself.

Operative: Your job is complicated, and that's not true. Your job is very complicated. You need to have the best camo and be covered from head to toe. You need to get behind enemy lines and tap into their plans. You may also be asked to escort innocent hostages and bystanders. In normal words You are BLACK OPS.

Engineer: Your job is to get to important objects in the enemy's mind and blow it up. You may also be asked to assist Operatives in the demise of enemy bases. You should carry a medium rifle and some explosives. You should also be able to judge weak spots in enemies eqiptment and demise them.

airsoft ranks

This ranking system is based on experience, confirmed kills, and things such as loyalty.
Rank 1: G.I./ grunt. You do what everyone says. You don't need any cks. You are the lowest ranking member. Prepare to get bossed around alot. Also you are very, very expendable.
Rank 2: Pellet Pvt. You are still very low ranking and have pretty much no power or control. You do have a tad more freedom, however you are likely  to have to stick around and guard some higher ranking members of your team.
Rank 3: Captain's CPL. You serve the same duties as a regualar cpl. except you are mor of the captains serveant.
Rank 4: CPL. You now have a nice bit of freedom, however in a rank system like this you still wont have much power, for this rank you should have at least 10-15 kills
Rank 5: Sergeant. You are now a sergeant. This is where you almost have full freedom and start to get a little bit of power. Your power, you may ask, ADVISING grunts not controlling them.
Rank 6: Officer. You have a small amount of power and freedom. you should have 25-30 kills and you can controll low ranking units.
Rank 7: Lieutenant. You are a worthy soldier. You should have at least 40-50 kills. You can command ranking units.
Rank 8: Captain. You controll your team. You should have 100+ kills. Sometimes voting for this position is a voted one.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

airsoft concept #1

This is a very important aspect of airsoft: choosing the right team. It's not always about choosing people with good guns. It's better to have experience with cheap spring guns than noobs with electric GAU's. Chances are if a player is experienced in airsoft then he or she will bring the gun that they are best with. However, if there are veteran players with good guns pick them first. If there are all noobs to pick from, then it is o.k. to pick the ones with best guns. The reason for picking an experienced team is they will know how to take out enemies in almost any way or form. Another thing is to pick teammates who yu know will be loyal to you, you know. The ones who would throw themselves in front of a 550 fps sniper pellet to keep you safe. You also don't want to pick a friend if he sucks I know it sounds mean. I've never had to do it, I trained most of my friends in my homemade airsoft school. Now they are loyal, hardened combat vets. Look for aspect number two soon.

Advanced new subjects (do not read if you dont like airsoft)

I will soon begin a post called Airsoft: concepts and tactics. Posts will include strategies and concepts such as stealth, tactics, firepower, and more.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Trenches

It was me, me and four other guys against a team of five. My team, we had some good guns, I had a tactical m-4 and a 1911 pistol. Two of my guys had M-80's and M-9's, one guy had a SAW and an MP-5, the last guy was fuckin' hardcore he weilded dual automatic Mini Uzi's. The other team was a hardened team of M-16 and 1911 pistol wielding vets. I was the most experienced on the field, but the guys I were with had experience too. It started. Trench warfare. It was crazy! One of the guys on the other team got luck and shot three rounds inside one of my guys uzi's. He got pissed, he jumped out of the trench and shot the guy the broke his uzi. It was overkill unloaded in the guys face. I ordered one of my guys to shooy him in the back of the head. If this were real it would have disconnected his spinal chord. Pow! 1911. The guys on the other team were terrified and couldn't shoot him. Four on four. Pat pat pat!!! Damn. Man down. Grenade! One of them left. Suddenly. GRENADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somehow I caught it and threw it back. Mission accomplished.

The Ghost Sniper

Cold, rainy, I had an M-80 and an M-4 and a 1911 pistol. Three other guys with me agianst a team of five. We stopped on a hill. I got angry and said "Damn, why are we always fucking outnubered?" I asked and wondered. My guys calmed me down. Then, a pellet landed beside me. The squad I was facing had a sniper as their captain, and a damn good one at that. I said " We need cover." They all agreed. We found a rock and kneeled beside it. Then, pellets started bouncing off the rock. We needed to move, again. We ran quickly to a nearby patch of trees. This was bullshit. I was always fuckin' outnumbered. I told my guys to fire at will. One of them, hit in the head, dropped and waited.  three to five. I only took one grenade this battle, I threw it, got two of them out. It was even. Click click. Click click. Pow! Pow! both of my guys down by pistols. I unloaded, somehow hit two. Now it was me and the Sniper. Silence. For a long time it was all quiet, and I mean no noise at all. Then a click and a pooft. he missed. Rain affected my shot like fire would effect an ice sculpture. I shot off about a five rounds. I did'nt know if I hit him. Assumeably not. I slowly moved forward. He fired shot after shot. No hits I saw a glare on his scope. Aimed for it I saw them one in the arm one miss. I snuck up close, really freaking close, about a yard. Head, head, head, head after head shot. Post comments. I accasionally snipe, when I do I do farely well. But It can be a Pain in the ass to fight them. I won't forget that sniper, that ghost sniper.

New titles

Hey enjoy my new titles coming out with subjects like
and More!
 Airsoft battle number four will come out soon with other NEW airsoft titles ncludeing the Sniper, and Wolfgang, and more!